Tag: TMGL Winter 2021

  • Third TMGL crown for CarlJr!

    Third TMGL crown for CarlJr!

    CarlJr is the Trackmania Grand League king! The Canadian won his third consecutive TMGL title defeating Pac in the Final 2. CarlJr managed to claim his third TMGL title. After his success in Winter and Fall 2020 seasons, the Solary player adds the Winter 2021 Edition to his list of achievements! CarlJr already managed to…

  • Bren is in the final for the first time since the Beta season.

    Bren is in the final for the first time since the Beta season.

    Bren is back in the final phase of the Trackmania Grand League! 4th of the Beta season, the Frenchman didn’t manage to finish in the regular season top 8 in both Winter & Fall 2020 editions. With 4 map wins, 10 podiums and 89 points to his mark, the Karmine Corp player took an overall…

  • Can CarlJr claim a third TMGL crown?

    Can CarlJr claim a third TMGL crown?

    Champion of the last two TMGL editions, CarlJr had not won the regular seasons before, having been beaten by Papou in Winter 2020 and Gwen in Fall 2020. The Solary player did win the regular Beta season where he was able to finish all the 50 maps in the top 8! This year, he only…

  • Mudda qualifies himself in the Final for his first season!

    Mudda qualifies himself in the Final for his first season!

    Like Gwen and Affi last season, Mudda was able to secure a spot in the Final for his first TMGL appearance. Four months ago, the Australian player was battling to join the TMGL circuit in the Open Grand League, and he proved in the regular season that he can be a contender for the win.…

  • A very solid 3rd place and a new qualification in the finals for Aurel

    A very solid 3rd place and a new qualification in the finals for Aurel

    Aurel is one of the rare few players who qualified to the final phase each season he took part in.  The GamingPrive.com athlete took an overall 3rd place in this Winter 2021 regular season thanks to an amazing consistency and very few lost points on maps 5 & 6. This isn’t the first time that…

  • A rollercoaster season for Gwen

    A rollercoaster season for Gwen

    We could have expected Gwen to fight for the regular season win this year after an extraordinary Fall 2020 season where he dominated the regular phase for his very first appearance in the Grand League circuit. The Winter 2021 season was actually more complicated than before for the Gameward player who scored his first big…

  • Disappointment before a last-minute qualification for Papou

    Disappointment before a last-minute qualification for Papou

    Papou is one of the strongest TMGL players since the league creation. Always qualified in the final phase since the Beta season, the GamersOrigin player even won the Winter 2020 regular season. Papou had a hard time this year with a last-minute qualification. The French player spent the 5 first weeks outside of the top…

  • Affi qualifies again for the Final

    Affi qualifies again for the Final

    This was a new strong season for Affi & Team BDS. The Swiss player participated in his second TMGL season and once again qualified himself for the Final. Like the Fall 2020 edition, he finished 5th in this Winter 2021 regular season and was more consistent throughout the 6 stages. He didn’t win any maps…

  • Is Pac the man to beat in the Winter 2021 Final?

    Is Pac the man to beat in the Winter 2021 Final?

    Pac was undoubtedly one of the strongest men of this Winter 2021 regular season. He may not have won the season, but the statistics speak for themselves. 13 map wins (36%), 24 podiums (67%) and 13 flying laps… He was the fastest man on tracks in this regular season. The Englishman will be one of…