Bren is in the final for the first time since the Beta season.

Bren is back in the final phase of the Trackmania Grand League! 4th of the Beta season, the Frenchman didn’t manage to finish in the regular season top 8 in both Winter & Fall 2020 editions. With 4 map wins, 10 podiums and 89 points to his mark, the Karmine Corp player took an overall 7th position.

These glorious statistics are proof that Bren is one of the fastest players in the business. The Final mode should be more adapted to his driving style than the Champions mode. Before the Final, we asked him a few questions.

You qualified yourself into the Final after many ups & downs. How did you manage the pressure in the last moments?

I think I managed the pressure pretty well while driving, it only came up to small details that made me lose all my points on the last map sadly, but I felt confident and I think I drove fairly good during the whole step! I am a bit disappointed by the result obviously, but I’m very glad that I reached the playoffs and I won’t complain!

It’s the first season where you were able to win 4 maps. Is this your best season and do you feel stronger than ever?

I am proud of how I played during the whole season for sure, I finally managed to perform good after the terrible Fall season I played, and I’m happy that I finally got my head up again! However, I really have a bitter taste in my mouth because of all the points I lost, hence why I can’t be fully satisfied with this season. I’m on the good path to feel stronger than ever though!

You will play the Final mode for the first time in the TMGL. Do you think it’s a good format for you?

It definitely is a better format for me than the regular season system. I think I was able to step up my game in terms of pace recently, which allows me to feel a bit more confident in regard of going fast and winning rounds. I really hope I can contest all the other great players qualified for the playoffs, and I’ll try my best to succeed! Time to shine as CarlJr would say!

The Final will take place on March 14th from 7 PM CET live on Twitch! Bren will be followed by Kameto for Karmine Corp!