The Green Game Jam on Trackmania starts now!

Green light for Trackmania, One Million Trees, the Trackmania’s activation for the Green Game Jam 2022! From today until September 11th, you can create and submit your maps on a dedicated server review. The 7 best of them will be selected for the “Trackmania Green Week” starting on October 3rd.

The Green Game Jam was started in 2020 as a competition between game studios looking to add meaningful actions into their existing games to combat climate change. During the Jam, mobile and console studios from around the world embark on a journey to capture their players’ imagination and attention through new content in the form of “green activations”, or in-game climate actions, around a specific climate change-related theme.

Trackmania, One Million Trees: a creative activation

Trackmania, One Million Trees is a “by players, for players” activation to raise awareness about the positive impact of planting trees. Today, a new “Green Game Jam” in-game club with a dedicated server review has been created. You can send your maps until September 11th, and the 7 best of them will be selected for the “Trackmania Green Week” from October 3rd to 9th. These maps will be featured as Track Of The Day, with the usual Cup Of The Day.

How to create a track for the Green Game Jam?

Both route and scenery of the track must be fun to play, pleasant to watch and suitable for all players, whether professionals or beginners, but the most important criteria are the message and the emotions the map can convey to players.

This contest invites all creative players to create green tracks and share within the tracks their knowledge about environmental challenges and potential solutions (through specific displays, 3D items, vocal messages, and dynamic content…). When your map is finished, you can send it to the dedicated server review in the Green Game Jam club.

Before sending a track to the server review, be sure your map meets the following criteria:

  • Playable by all players, despite their skill level. Track must be respawnable
  • Between 45s and 1 minute long
  • Make sure your track is playable on lower end systems
  • Path and scenery must be attractive, but the track NEEDS to convey a strong and clear message about the positive impact of planting trees
  • The map must not be published elsewhere than on the review server (Club rooms/campaigns, Trackmania Exchange, social medias etc.)

Ubisoft Nadeo might give you feedback about your map(s) directly on There will not be any feedback given after September 11th, so feel free to send your map as soon as it finished to let us time to try your map and give you eventual feedback to make the map more suitable for the contest.

Sources and information about planting trees

Before creating a map, here are various sources and article about the main theme of the contest: planting trees.

How can each individual can have a positive impact on our planet?

Why forests are important?:

WWF Article

Ecosia Video

CSIS Article

How Forests Impact Us?

How to protect our forests: 

Deforestation: A Threat To People And Nature

How To Save Our Forests and Rewild Our Planet

These are only a few among many sources available on the internet, feel free to make your own research. We believe that Trackmania’s players will be able to use that knowledge to design innovative and creative maps that not only are visually impactful but also that have a meaning to each driver racing on it.

For every 10 trees planted in the game (counting the maps sent on the dedicated server review and which fit the criteria detailed in the previous paragraph), Ubisoft Nadeo will distribute 0.10€ to Ecologi, so as to plant up to 34.500 trees.


