Submit your maps for the A08 Forever!

The funniest monthly competition in Trackmania needs some fresh maps! Create crazy tracks and send them in on the review server inside of the club: “A08 lovers”!

The A08 Forever is a competition which takes place every month on the 8th. This competition is a nod to the history of the Trackmania franchise, with the legendary A08 official campaign in Trackmania² Stadium, as well as the other 3 Maniaplanet environments: Canyon, Valley and Lagoon.

An A08 track is a very particular circuit: a big downhill, with many bumps. Your track must be quite short (between 10 and 25 seconds for the author time). Try to avoid turns as much as possible, but feel free to add some fun and challenging objects such as poles, trees, animated items or whatever you want to add! An A08 map is first of all a fun track, easy to finish and hard to master!

To submit your track to the competition, you need to join the A08 Lovers club and send it to the review server named “Submit your A08”. You also can try other submissions from the community and rate these tracks.

We can’t wait to try your craziest tracks! Have fun building!


