How can I take part to the TMGL: Open?

The Trackmania Grand league: Open is about to start. The first step will take place on Saturday October 23rd, and everyone can take part in this competition!

Many changes and a simpler format are coming this year to the Trackmania Grand League: Open. As the name suggests, this competition is open to everyone who wants to participate. If you want to cast the event without playing it, it’s obviously possible. Players are also allowed to stream their POV during the event.

To participate, you just need to join the competition in-game through the “Event” section inside of the “Live” tab.

A simpler format

Just like the Grand League, the TMGL: Open regular season will be 8 steps long, but only the 6 best results will be counted in the final ranking.

The step format evolves this year. No more point loss and no multiplier system in the TMGL: Open. All 5 maps of a step will be player under their 6-lap-version. All you need to do is try and set the best possible time on each map to climb in the rankings!

Top 3 TMGL:O players will automatically be qualified to the Challenger division for the next season while players from P4 to P8 will face 5 Challenger players in a special match to have a chance to secure a spot into the higher division for the next season.

All details about the race format are available in the TMGL rulebook.

Trackmania Grand League: Open Step 1 will take place on Saturday October 23rd at 6 PM CEST. One new step will be played each Saturday at 6 PM until December 11th!