Carl: “People are so fast now”

The 2006 and first Trackmania World Champion Carl will take part to the Trackmania Grand League World Cup 2021 Open Qualifier! 15 years after his world title, he will try to qualify himself for the TMGLWC21!

–    In 2006 you won the very first World Cup on Trackmania. 15 years after it you will take part to the Trackmania World Cup 2021. What changed the most on your side in 15 years?

What changed the most is my attitude. In 2006 I was the innocent guy coming from nowhere and nobody was expecting me to do anything. I was admiring some players and I finally beat them quite easily so that was totally unexpected. Then I wanted to understand how to stay on the top level and I started to struggle. Now, I am clearly focused on my inner world, I mean all what can help me be fully present, in the flow state. I know how crazy the level is right now and I just focus on what I think is way more important.

–    Is the Cup mode more adapted to your driving style compared to the Champions mode used in Trackmania Grand League and Open Grand League?

I love Cup mode but people are so fast now so when you have to do the run on the right moment, that’s really hard. I’m clearly more comfortable with consistency such as what we have in TMGL/OGL. Anyway, I think it depends more on the maps, sometimes I feel so confident on a map I can be fast and consistent, sometimes I just see I could train one lifetime and still turtle each round.

–    What will be your goal for the Trackmania World Cup 2021?

I always aim for the top position. Let’s say I will do everything possible to be among the 16 lucky players.

–    Who are the favorites for the Trackmania World Cup 2021?  

If you mean who I want to see winning, I don’t really care, I just want to see holy crazy matches! Then, I heard a long time ago “whatever happens, Carl wins”. Well, that’s not for me anymore but this statement still looks true so I bet on CarlJr for the win.

As a reminder, the Trackmania World Cup 2021 will take place in May 29th & 30th. The 8 best players of the qualifying phase will take part to the World Cup from June 26th!


