Add your room to the Arcade channel

You love to create maps and you want them to appear in the Arcade channel? On this article, we will detail the procedure to follow to highlight your creations!

As a short reminder, the Arcade channel is a multiplayer mode, accessible with the free Starter access, that highlights different rooms created by the community. Every hour, the room changes and another one is highlighted. Now let us have a look on how to appear on that mode.

First you must make sure that your room is currently active. As a reminder, it is not only one map that you are adding to the Arcade channel but a whole room. Go to the following link, that will redirect you to a dedicated topic on the Trackmania forum.

Post a message on this topic with the following information:

  • Room Name
  • Room Id
  • The link of your Club page
  • Maps Style (Tech, Dirt, Fullspeed, RPG, Mixed…)
  • Game modes (Time Attack, Rounds, Laps…)
  • Number of maps

We can’t wait to discover your rooms and highlight them in the Arcade Channel! We accept any style of maps.

It is a great occasion to propose your content to a wide audience!

Happy Trackbuilding!


